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Jane's Whole Grain Seed Bread Recipe


2.5 cup wheat flour
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup rye flour
1/2C sourdough starter
1/4 cup millet
1/4 cup poppy seeds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
2 t yeast
4 T vital wheat gluten
1  cup yogurt and/or whey from yogurt
1 cup water 
1 T salt

I use a bread machine to mix everything. Usuallythe wet and yeast stay separated from the salt until the machine starts. I think the salt can inhibit the yeast. 

In my machine I put yeast with all wet ingredients, dry on top of that and salt on very top. It makes at least a 2# loaf. 

I cook my bread in the bread machine pan but in the oven. I had trouble with the bread machine for a while and I just got more comfortable with cooking it in the oven. I use a sensing thermometer (it stays in the loaf the whole cooking time) until the center is 200 deg. The oven is set at 350.  For Janeit was 51 min at 350.